The Cake Bar

Coffee & Cake

When your done mooching, head deeper into The Frostery Living for a drink and freshly baked cake. 

The Cake Bar seating at The Frostery Living

We serve speciality coffee from North Star Coffee Roasters in Leeds, exceptional tea from Manchester's Bohea Teas, all natural pop from Steep Soda Co also Manchester, spectacular hot chocolate from Bare Bones Chocolate in Glasgow and of course a selection of cakes from The Frostery in Uppermill.

North Star Coffee 250g whole beans

Our espresso coffee is brewed on an iconic La Marzocco Linea Classic to ensure great coffee every time.  


Indoor Seating

Indoors we have a small area with bar seating and a snug sofa, room for 6 to 8 people. 

Under the Canopy and into the Courtyard

Out through the large industrial style double doors, we've created a space under glass with tables for two and an outdoor heater for those cooler days.

The Canopy providing shelter at The Frostery Living

Tables for two under The Canopy at The Frostery Living

This spills out into the courtyard where you can while away the hours on a sunny afternoon.

The Courtyard tables at The Frostery Living

The courtyard can also be accessed from the rear via Green Lane, particularly handy for cyclists and dog walkers.  Well behaved dogs are welcome in the courtyard.